If you want to expand your business globally, it is likely that you have a website, and it is likely that you want that website to work in all of your target markets. Unfortunately, this is where some businesses fall short: international SEO can be seen as quite complex process especially if you do not hire the right person for the job.
What is international SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is a fundamental process for a business that wants to be visible in foreign markets and increase its growth potential. The global marketplace is thriving and if your business wants to stand out, then a good international SEO strategy is crucial. This will support you to localize into different languages your website content and enhance it so that multiple search engines can easily identify which countries and languages you target. Therefore, if done well, international SEO can connect your website with your target audience globally and increase significantly your website visibility.
Can machine translation do the job?
When you translate your website into another language, free online machine translation tools seem like an easy cost-effective option. BUT, do you know that machine translation might harm your search engine rankings?
Even though this kind of translation seems very attractive, it is often highly inaccurate and literal as robots will have trouble understanding the cultural aspects of your content. Without the right website, slogan, branding…etc. the outcome will probably be a content that does not make sense to the local audience you want to reach. That is why having your website or certain keywords simply translated will not be enough for your SEO traction.
Expertise is the solution
Website translation is not just about converting words from one language to another. As a matter of fact, instead of translation one should talk here about transcreation, which stands for both the translation and (re)creation of marketing and other creative content in order to attract different markets with different cultures, habits and behaviors.
Since machine translation is highly inefficient in this case, a specialized language expert will use their web marketing skills and expertise to translate and localize your website while taking into consideration your target audience, their specific features as well as SEO and marketing best practices.
Do you need support with your website and content international SEO? Are you looking for a specialized language expert to do the job? We will be happy to help you, send us an email to contact@new-bridge-translation.com